NumisMedia Numismatic Abbreviations

Abv. Above
Anniver. Anniversary
Bl. Below
BN Brown
Br. Braided
BU Brilliant Uncirculated
C Charlotte
Cam Cameo
Cap. Capped
CC Carson City
Cent. Centennial
Cl. Classic
CN Copper Nickel
Commem Commemorative
Cor. Cr. Coronet
D Denver or Dahlonega
Dbl. Double
Doc Doctrine
Dt. Date
Ed. Edge
Fl. Flowing
Fr. Fraction
Gp. Gripped
Hd. Head
Her. Heraldic
Horiz Horizontal
L.A. Los Angeles
LA Louisiana
Leg. Legend
Let. Lt. Letter
Lg. Large
Lib. Liberty
Lt.Ed. Lettered Edge
Med. Medium
Mem. Memorial
mm Mint Mark
n/ No
N/M No Motto

N/S No Stars
Nat. National
O New Orleans
Obv. Obverse
Oct Octagonal
Op. Open
ov. Over
Pan Pac Panama Pacific
Pat. Pattern
PL Prooflike
Pl. Plain
Pl.Ed. Plain Edge
PR Pr. Prf. Proof
Pt. Petite
Punct. Punctuated
RB Red-Brown
RD Red
Res. Restrike
Rev. Reverse
Rt. Right
S San Francisco
Sesqui Sesquicentennial
Slv. Silver
Sm. Small
SMS Special Mint Set
St Stem
Stmls. Stemless
Str Strong
TF Tail Feathers
Trans. Transitional
Var. Variety
VDB Victor D Brenner
W/ or w/ With
W/M With Motto
w/o Without
Wash. Washington
Wr. Wreath
WW II World War II